Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10, 2013

Gingrich: Use Debt Ceiling Fight to Stop Obama Gun Ban
by Todd Beamon
January 9, 2013

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Republicans should use the upcoming debt-ceiling talks to craft legislation that would block Obama from doing anything that is unconstitutional in light of the administration’s suggestion they may bypass Congress to craft laws banning certain types of guns.

“Iin March, the Congress has a continuing resolution,” Gingrich told Newsmax. “The government is going to run out of money. The Congress has to pass the continuing resolution.

“They should put in a prohibition on spending to block anything that the president does that is illegal,” Gingrich said. “Congress has absolute authority to control spending. The House Republicans should craft into the continuing resolution a rule that the president is blocked from doing anything unconstitutional.”

Gingrich, who ran for the 2012 Republican nomination and lost to Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney, has been vocal in his support for Americans’ rights to bear arms.

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White House Pretends Taxes Haven't Gone Up on Middle Class After Fiscal Cliff Deal
Katie Pavlich
January 10, 2013

Despite Americans seeing a two percent jump in their Social Security taxes and less money in their bank accounts after the fiscal cliff deal was signed via auto pen on behalf of President Obama last week, the White House is pretending rates stayed the same. In an email to supporters yesterday, White House Senior Adviser David Plouffe wrote:
Hello -- 
I'll tell you what keeps driving me every day: the knowledge that people like you have our backs. 
When President Obama asked you to make your voices heard to keep taxes from going up on the middle class, people from all over the country, folks in every state spoke out. More than 130,000 of you sent in stories to the White House website. There were times these past few weeks when our Twitter feeds were positively overwhelmed by people joining the debate using the #My2k hashtag. 
So we put your stories on the front page of the White House website. We asked you to stand behind the President when he laid out his position on this debate at the White House. The President went and met with one family who had shared their story. The Vice President sat down with another for lunch. 
And people took notice. Reporters wrote stories about the way that you were adding your voices to this debate, and it became impossible to ignore your perspective.
The White House also released the following video which like Plouffe's email,  says middle class taxes haven't gone up and points out that the fiscal cliff requires "the wealthy to pay their fair share."

The stories Plouffe won't be putting on the front page of are those of angry voters wondering why their paychecks are less, after all, the President promised he'd take care of them by only soaking the rich. More from Twitchy:


On another note, notice Plouffe's use of the media to push the White House agenda, "Reporters wrote stories about the way that you were adding your voices to this debate." Still wondering how Obama got re-elected? This is one reason why. Notice how the same reporters aren't talking or writing about the latest tax increase and broken White House promise of helping the middle class.

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Walmart, Biden to discuss restricting gun rights

by Neil W. McCabe
January 9, 2013 

A spokesman for the world’s largest retailer, and the country’s largest seller of guns and ammunition said Jan. 9 the company will meet Jan. 10 with Vice-President Joseph R. Biden Jr., regarding his efforts to restrict gun rights after first declining the invitation.

“Knowing our senior leaders could not be in Washington this week, we spoke in advance with the vice president’s office to share our perspective,” said David Tovar, the vice-president for corporate communications at Walmart, based in Bentonville, Ark. That message found its way into the press.

“We underestimated the expectation to attend the meeting on Thursday in person, so we are sending an appropriate representative to participate,” he said. “Walmart, like the rest of the country, has been engaged in a national dialogue about the responsible sale and regulation of firearms.” Walmart does not report its firearms sales separately.

“We take this issue very seriously and are committed to staying engaged in this discussion as the administration and Congress work toward a consensus on the right path forward,” he said.

Biden, the author of the 1994 crime law that banned so-called assault rifles for 10 years, was tasked by President Barack Obama to fashion a response the gun violence in America that curtails gun rights now in place.

Tovar said the retail giant, whose founder Sam. M. Walton opened his first store opened in 1962 in Rogers, Ark., is also working with New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who leads the gun control advocacy groups called Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

“We have had ongoing conversations with the administration, Congress, Mayor Bloomberg’s office, sportsmen groups, suppliers and others to listen and share our thoughts and experiences,” he said.

“Over the years we have been very purposeful about striking the right balance between serving hunters and sportsmen and ensuring that we sell firearms responsibly,” he said.

“In fact, we became a charter member of Mayor Bloomberg’s coalition against illegal guns and adopted the 10-point code established by the Responsible Firearms Retailer Partnership that goes beyond what the law requires,” the Walmart spokesman said.

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